Over the next few weeks, we'll be getting to know our new faculty members for 2020-21. Mr. John Carter will be teaching English I and English III at Paragould High School. Welcome, Mr. Carter!
DEADLINE EXTENDED! The deadline for the parent planning survey for the 2020-21 school year has been extended to this Friday, July 31. The survey should be filled out separately for each child. We recommend that you read the FAQ document, then fill out the survey. Both are located on our website at paragould.k12.ar.us.
Students of the Paragould School District will continue to eat school breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE during the 2020-21 school year because of the district's Community Eligibility Provision status. No household meal applications required!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be getting to know our new faculty members for 2020-21. Mrs. Paige Yawson is the 9th and 10th grade counselor at Paragould High School. Welcome, Mrs. Yawson!
The deadline for the school year planning parent survey has been extended until July 31. Visit our website at paragould.k12.ar.us for the link to take this important survey.
![deadline extended](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/910484/large_unnamed.jpg)
Our final food backpack program distribution for the summer will be July 30 at the front entrance of Paragould Jr High School from 10-11:30 am. Come see us to receive your 2-week supply of snacks/food!
2020 seniors and parents: graduation ticket pickup has been moved to PSD central office at the corner of Hwy 49 and Court St due to a power outage at the high school.
The National ACT will be administered on July 18, 2020. Registered students should report to the Paragould Jr. High School for testing.
We are happy to announce that individual graduation ceremonies for our 2020 seniors and 8 guests are planned for July 20, 2020. Time slots are available ranging from 2 pm-8 pm. 2020 seniors, check your school email accounts to sign up for your time slot.
A frequently asked questions (FAQ) document and planning survey for the fall have been posted in the bulletin board area of the Paragould School District website (paragould.k12.ar.us). The survey is required for all students. A guardian should fill out the survey for each Kindergarten through 12th grade PSD student in the family. We recommend that you read the FAQ document first, then take the survey. The deadline for the survey is July 17. With your help, we can plan for a great, safe 2020-21 school year! GO RAMS!
The 2020 Stuff the Bus event is virtual this year and is going on right now! See these flyers for more details.
![stuff the bus](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/898970/large_Stuff_the_Bus_Team_Drive_Graphic.jpg)
![stuff the bus](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/898971/large_Stuff_the_Bus_Virtual_Digital_Event_Flyer__1_.jpg)
Congratulations to Mrs. Debbie Smith on being named Superintendent of the Year by AR Rural Ed Association! She's a great asset to our district.
![Smith Award](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/885262/large_JPEG_2020_06_05_12_20_02_052_.jpg)
The PSD summer feeding program is currently available for children ages 1-18. Food is available Monday through Friday, June 1-26 and July 6-31, from 10-11:30 am. Food can be picked up from the parking lots at Paragould Junior High and Oak Grove Middle School. Children must be present.
![summer 2020 feeding program](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/885150/large_summer_feeding.jpg)
Students from PHS were honored at the Governor’s Scholastic Honors Day event, which due to the health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 virus has been developed into a virtual commemorative presentation. The following is a message from the Governor and First Lady and a PowerPoint presentation created to showcase the student photos that were submitted to the governor's office. For students who did not submit a photo, names and schools are found at the end of the presentation. In addition, all students will receive a letter from the Governor’s office as well as a certificate signed by the Governor. PHS students can be found about 16 minutes into the video. https://youtu.be/4PcYCp1CED0
Our regular backpack food program will continue through July 30, 2020. Students that received food backpacks each Friday of the regular school year may pick up 2 weeks of packaged food bags in front of Paragould Junior High School from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the following dates:
Thursday, June 18
Thursday, July 2
Thursday, July 16
Thursday, July 30
If you are wanting to do virtual summer school for credit recovery this summer, please click on the link below for information and signing up:
PJHS and PHS Dance auditions will be held virtually the week of June 8th-12th. Contact Coach Wallace for more information. jwallace@paragouldschools.net
Congratulations to the following PHS students on their great performances in the regional math competition!
Precal/Trig: Emily Toombs - third place
Calculus: Zoe Rodrigues - honorable mention
Congratulations to the following PHS students on their great performances in the regional math competition!
Algebra 1: Brandon Breckenridge - first place
Geometry: Tyler Brown - first place
Algebra 2: Ashton Rodrigues - first place
PHS students need to turn in their Chromebook and charger in today from 8:00am - 3:30 pm. If you are taking an AP make up exam you may turn in your CB after the exam. Seniors and Athletes can pick up any items they have here at PHS as well.