Breakfast & Lunch Menus October 21-November 22
Ms. Tabitha's Lexia superstars! #littlerams
Ms. Gantt's class had Fun Friday because they filled their reward jar by receiving compliments from the special class teachers! #littlerams
Congratulations to these students from Ms. Moore's class. They passed a Lexia level and earned a new book from the Book Vending Machine. They also got to sign the Lexia Levels Tree! Great work!#littlerams
Happy Birthday to Jeffrey Cole from Mrs. Emily Moore’s class! 🥳#littlerams
Homecoming week kicks off this Sunday night with a "Movie Under the Stars" event on the Paragould High School campus - all Rams welcome! So bring your blankets and lawn chairs and join us as we watch "Alice in Wonderland". Gates open at 6:15pm and the movie starts at 7:00pm. No cost to enter. Concessions will be available.
Ms. Pillow's kiddos getting books and signing their name for passing a Lexia level! #littlerams
Go, Weslyn! She got a book and is the first in her class to sign the Lexia beach for meeting her goals. #littlerams
*Parent codes and ATLAS information went home today *
Arkansas students in grades 3-10 took a new state test in the spring of 2024 through the Arkansas Teaching & Learning Assessment System (ATLAS). In addition, students in grades K-3 recently completed the ATLAS Screener. You can access information about your child’s performance through the ATLAS Family Portal. This resource includes the results of your child’s performance on all ATLAS tests. Information regarding how to access scores was sent home with your child today. Click on the following links for additional information regarding ATLAS assessments.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: K-1 students took the ATLAS screener earlier this school year. The scores were released today. Information about how to access your child's scores with an access code was sent home with your child today or will be tomorrow.
Below is more information about the ATLAS assessment. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us.
We can't wait to see you Friday night at our Family Movie Night!! #littlerams
REMINDER: PTO meeting tonight!
Congratulations to Ms. Scott's amazing Students of the Month! We are so proud of you! #littlerams
Ms. Micah's class enjoyed getting to learn in the outdoor classroom today and taking a walk! #littlerams
Congratulations to Miss Johnson's class and Ms. Kinnard's class! They both won music Monday and each class received a disco ball, while each teacher got free donuts from Batten's.#LittleRams
Red Ribbon Week/Homecoming is next week!
Mrs. Stefanie Hatcher's class finished their unit on the human body by being doctors and reviewing the body systems they learned about! #littlerams
Ms. Micah's class on Columbus Day! #littlerams
Some of Ms. Ashtin's kiddos enjoying the Nature Lab/Outdoor Classroom! #littlerams
Congratulations to these students from Ms. Hancock's class. They completed a level in their Lexia studies. They got a new book, and they got to sign the Lexia levels tree. Great work, kids! #LittleRams.